2023 NYC Big Book Award
Metropolis, a dystopian novel by Monte Schulz, wins the 2023 NYC Big Book Award:
Metropolis, a dystopian novel by Monte Schulz, wins the 2023 NYC Big Book Award:
This dystopian tome is narrated by college senior Julian Brehm, who lives in a war-ravaged world perverted by eugenics where those who were deemed mentally, morally, or physically unfit were banished to desolate Provinces far from where he lives his uneventful life. Thrust into facing a broader reality by the woman he falls in love with, a bohemian revolutionary, Julian,
The Fictional Café Posted Interview: Today, we join Monte Schulz in celebrating the publication of his latest epic with an excerpt and a conversation. In the author’s own words, “Metropolis is a dystopian novel about a society troubled by the effects of crime, disease and social disorder. It’s also a love story, a coming-of-age novel, about a college student who’s leading
NFReads.com Interview # What is/are the real-life story(ies) behind your book(s)? The story of Metropolis is entirely a work of fiction, but there are little snippets of my life, emotional resonances and incidences, concealed here and there. I’m talking here about conversations between my character Julian and his father, and certain moments Julian shares with his lover… Read more
The Creative Journey to Metropolis – TheTableRead.com Literary inspirations are quite elusive, difficult to identify. That genesis of a book or story idea that appears out nowhere when nothing was present before. Harder yet to retrieve when the origin of the idea has fallen back into the past.
AUTHORITY MAGAZINE / MEDIUM (20,752,517 UVMS) INTERVIEW: “5 Things You Need to be A Successful Writer or Author” Authority Magazine is devoted to sharing in-depth, and interesting interviews, featuring people who are authorities. Authority Magazine distinguishes itself by producing large interview series with scores of experts and thought leaders, around a single empowering topic.
Outside of having a tour or BBNYA deadline to motivate me in picking up a book, I haven’t really been able to read anything in a long time, let alone a mammoth of a tome like Metropolis. I figured, the website was fascinating already, I have barely read anything in the last couple of weeks, and 2022 was coming to a quick end. Why not end it with Metropolis? I’m so glad I got the opportunity to. Shout out to Monte for the copy and for Adrienne from Finn Partners for reaching out to me. What an amazing way to end the year!
Monte Schulz is not just the offspring of one world’s the most famous cartoonists, he also happens to be a pretty good artist himself.
Monte Schulz, the author of Metropolis, has five recommendations for books to read when acknowledging the role that discrimination plays in our world today.
JACKBOSTON: Jack Rochester of Fictional Café also interview of Monte Schulz: Metropolis – A Brilliant New Novel by Monte Schulz Monte is an immensely talented long-form writer. He has the ability to hold the panoply of characters, environments and events in his mind and to write free-form, without the aid of an outline or external structuring devices writers commonly utilize.